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SOC 499 - Honors Work in Sociology |
Independent work for honors students in which students apply sociological theory and methods to a major research project and paper that is then presented orally before an examining committee. Honors work is typically completed in two 3 credit hour semesters. This course serves as an alternative to the SOC 490 capstone requirement for sociology general track majors.
2.000 TO 3.000 Credit hours 2.000 TO 3.000 Lecture hours Levels: Undergraduate Schedule Types: Directed Individual Study Sociology & Criminology Department Course Attributes: UnvStdy Capstone, UnvStdy Explore Beyond Class, UnvStdy Information Literacy, UnvStdy Writing Intensive Restrictions: May not be assigned one of the following Student Attributes: Online Accelerated Programs Prerequisites: (Undergraduate level SOC 301 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CRM 301 Minimum Grade of D-) and Undergraduate level SOC 360 Minimum Grade of D- |
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