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Detailed Course Information


Fall 2022
Mar 13, 2025
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Information Select the desired Level or Schedule Type to find available classes for the course.

CRM 255 - Criminology
The scientific study of the nature, extent, correlates and etiology of crime, with an emphasis on sociological theories of crime. Topics include crimes against persons and property, public order crimes, and both informal and formal reactions to crime.
3.000 Credit hours
3.000 Lecture hours

Levels: Undergraduate
Schedule Types: Lecture

Sociology & Criminology Department

Course Attributes:
UnvStdy Und Hum Inst & Beh

May not be assigned one of the following Student Attributes:     
      Online Accelerated Programs

Mutual Exclusion:
This course carries a mutual exclusion with the following courses; you may not enroll in it if you have completed any of the following with a passing grade:
CRM 256
This course carries a mutual exclusion with the following courses; you may not enroll in it if you have completed any of the following with a passing grade:
SOC 256

Undergraduate level CRM 105 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level CRJ 105 Minimum Grade of D- or Undergraduate level SOC 105 Minimum Grade of D-

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